Love and Relationships
L&R - Part 1
Did you know that most women are wired to be primarily turned on by her man's character rather than his physique?
This refers to his commitment to her, being a real man with an ethical vision for his life. He encompasses unfailing and progressive love for her: joy, humor, peace, patience, trust, integrity, and perfect wisdom etc.
She knows he will climb the highest mountain and swim the deepest sea, if need be, to take care of his home.
This refers to his commitment to her, being a real man with an ethical vision for his life. He encompasses unfailing and progressive love for her: joy, humor, peace, patience, trust, integrity, and perfect wisdom etc.
She knows he will climb the highest mountain and swim the deepest sea, if need be, to take care of his home.
L&R - Part 2
Couples, practice saying absolutely nothing unless it's good, encouraging, positive, informing, and brilliant. Never holler or scream again when conversing with anyone. This learned attitude proves that you have lost control and have minimum discipline. Raising your voice to a child or woman causes a tsunami in their spirits and souls.
This makes way for fear spirits to come in and control them and your home. You are praying, on one hand, for blessings for your loved one and, at the same time, bringing a curse into their lives. When there are issues to be resolved, when cooled off, sit down and address the problem with love, discipline (if need be), and resolve.
This makes way for fear spirits to come in and control them and your home. You are praying, on one hand, for blessings for your loved one and, at the same time, bringing a curse into their lives. When there are issues to be resolved, when cooled off, sit down and address the problem with love, discipline (if need be), and resolve.
L&R - Part 3
Awesome people, you will hear many different reasons to be married, and respect is certainly warranted. However, the main reason for marriage is for both husband and wife to assist in developing the life of Christ in one another. To establish a family that mirrors God. This will certainly eradicate all previous generational dysfunctions we all have experienced. The curse stops, and the blessings and heavenly experiences begin.
L&R - Part 4
A love that is premier is adopted from heaven. It is ethical, moral, eternal, perfect, selfless, forgiving, merciful, full of grace, chooses to remember no wrong, makes room for mistakes, always looks for and expects the best in others, unconditional, sacrificial, stays in a position of vulnerability, forever and extraordinarily patient, encouraging, positive, optimistic, never gives up on their loved ones, and never inflates or dwells on the inadequacy of your mate.
It receives correction, is willing to change often for the betterment of any relationship, respects and values the lowly, covers weaknesses of others, is kind, delivers first class smiles, is trustworthy, empathetic, gentle, mature, strong, humble and sure of themselves.
Also remember, because of all of the seasons of life, you may not feel like you are in love, but know, this type of love resides deep in your heart, being protected from temporary turbulence. These are the crucial times when your friend or mate is depending on you to love them anyway. There will be times your emotions won't agree with your decision to love this way, but they will catch up every time.
Fill your life with this love, and it will bless your soul forever.
It receives correction, is willing to change often for the betterment of any relationship, respects and values the lowly, covers weaknesses of others, is kind, delivers first class smiles, is trustworthy, empathetic, gentle, mature, strong, humble and sure of themselves.
Also remember, because of all of the seasons of life, you may not feel like you are in love, but know, this type of love resides deep in your heart, being protected from temporary turbulence. These are the crucial times when your friend or mate is depending on you to love them anyway. There will be times your emotions won't agree with your decision to love this way, but they will catch up every time.
Fill your life with this love, and it will bless your soul forever.
L&R - Part 5
When people in your life make mistakes, mess up, or even cause an unmet expectation that was an emotional emergency. Please, don’t make the mistake, and allow it to cloud out the 95 percent of the good, great and excellence that they have invested into your life.
It’s wrong judgement, and they deserve better from this rare and awesome thing called a close relationship. Even though you are disappointed, remember how imperfect you have been, and God keeps loving you. Place more mercy in the bank, and you will have it when your time comes around; because it will.
It’s wrong judgement, and they deserve better from this rare and awesome thing called a close relationship. Even though you are disappointed, remember how imperfect you have been, and God keeps loving you. Place more mercy in the bank, and you will have it when your time comes around; because it will.
L&R - Part 6
Many seem to be unaware that dating was designed only to graduate into a ceremony of marriage.
It was never to be used to establish or develop a lust fulfillment continuum. After a while, brothers, you start to disrespect her family by not marrying their precious baby, called their daughter.
Shacking certainly takes this to another emotional level.
You can do it!!!!
When we decide to do right about things like this, God will be there to assist in your success.
It was never to be used to establish or develop a lust fulfillment continuum. After a while, brothers, you start to disrespect her family by not marrying their precious baby, called their daughter.
Shacking certainly takes this to another emotional level.
You can do it!!!!
When we decide to do right about things like this, God will be there to assist in your success.
L&R - Part 7
You must TALK, and reveal what you like, need, and love so that your spouse can know what to master in your life. No one reads minds.This is not the place to rely on your spouse’s great discernment skills.
If you don’t grow up and get pass your reservations and personal inhibitions, you will miss total heaven in your relationship. Yes, you will feel vulnerable, but this is what it takes to birth total and unlimited joy, romance and relational intimacy.
You deserve the best.
It’s time to talk!
If you don’t grow up and get pass your reservations and personal inhibitions, you will miss total heaven in your relationship. Yes, you will feel vulnerable, but this is what it takes to birth total and unlimited joy, romance and relational intimacy.
You deserve the best.
It’s time to talk!
L&R - Part 8
What ALL did you do to persuade your spouse to marry you?
Whatever it was, you need to keep doing it until they say stop. You have a contract before God to do all you can to BLESS the union. Keep the contract: you both promised to love. That spells work and that spells action.
So get to it.
Whatever it was, you need to keep doing it until they say stop. You have a contract before God to do all you can to BLESS the union. Keep the contract: you both promised to love. That spells work and that spells action.
So get to it.
L&R - Part 9
If you have lost your spouse through a great fault of your own, try this: go to him or her, get on BOTH knees, and beg for them to take you back.
Promise that you will get help, do better, and be the person you promised to be. Forget what anyone thinks. Some won’t tell you this. Whatever it takes, man, get your family back!
They need you, and you need them. Of course, this is where legal reconciliation is possible!
Promise that you will get help, do better, and be the person you promised to be. Forget what anyone thinks. Some won’t tell you this. Whatever it takes, man, get your family back!
They need you, and you need them. Of course, this is where legal reconciliation is possible!
L&R - Part 10
Allow others to be important for a change!
You will be well-admired when you are an active listener and become genuinely interested in what's going on in another person's life. This will also enable you to find out what's significant to them so that you can become one of their greatest constant supporters.
Oh, by the way, hearing their own name and saying "it's great seeing you" will bless their soul.
You will be well-admired when you are an active listener and become genuinely interested in what's going on in another person's life. This will also enable you to find out what's significant to them so that you can become one of their greatest constant supporters.
Oh, by the way, hearing their own name and saying "it's great seeing you" will bless their soul.
L&R - Part 11
It is a privileged, a calling, and a honor to be a citizen of any country. Therefore, there are civil responsibilities that are automatic:
Smiling, thinking the best of people, making people feel accepted, and being cordial, welcoming, positive, glad, happy, and moral.
Yes, you are able to do it, because God would not have placed you in this generation if you couldn't. Ask the Lord for help when you need a boost.
As a side note: Did you know that your spiritual heart is larger, wider and deeper than your body? Therefore, you have enough love to love, not just the 7 Billion people on this planet, but 14 billion.
Just saying.
Smiling, thinking the best of people, making people feel accepted, and being cordial, welcoming, positive, glad, happy, and moral.
Yes, you are able to do it, because God would not have placed you in this generation if you couldn't. Ask the Lord for help when you need a boost.
As a side note: Did you know that your spiritual heart is larger, wider and deeper than your body? Therefore, you have enough love to love, not just the 7 Billion people on this planet, but 14 billion.
Just saying.
L&R - Part 12
Please, no offense is to be taken:
I received a study that was taken in 1995 as I participated in a Promise Keepers event. It was simply good to know. Most Men had to speak at least 15,000 words per day. Most Ladies on the other hand had to release at least 35,000 per day.
Here’s the Revelation, my brother: God made her that way; so quit complaining that she talks all the time! Therefore my brothers, it behooves you to talk with her daily so that she can birth these words. If she doesn’t, she will be frustrated even if she has everything.
You will be wondering what’s wrong, and she won’t even know.
She needs to talk. So talk, man, talk until you turn blue! Then and only then will she be happy.
When momma is happy, everyone’s happy!
I received a study that was taken in 1995 as I participated in a Promise Keepers event. It was simply good to know. Most Men had to speak at least 15,000 words per day. Most Ladies on the other hand had to release at least 35,000 per day.
Here’s the Revelation, my brother: God made her that way; so quit complaining that she talks all the time! Therefore my brothers, it behooves you to talk with her daily so that she can birth these words. If she doesn’t, she will be frustrated even if she has everything.
You will be wondering what’s wrong, and she won’t even know.
She needs to talk. So talk, man, talk until you turn blue! Then and only then will she be happy.
When momma is happy, everyone’s happy!
L&R - Part 13
Allow for Differences:
This pandemic and quarantine has forced many into roles and responsibilities outside their experience, expectation, and comfort. Everyone is adjusting to these new realities in different ways. Just as our faces aren’t identical, we don’t need to criticize or reject those who don’t look exactly like us. People’s personalities, their psyche, coping mechanisms aren’t the same either.
Make space for the other people in your home to be themselves and to be able to cope in their own way. Honor and (validate) their feelings and their needs. Know what you need and respect the needs of others. Stop trying to make people act and respond like you! Let them create and enjoy their own lives. This goes for your spouse. Let him or her have their own worlds and separate spaces, but visit each other very, very, very often.
They are not designed to enjoy all that you enjoy all the time. This will cause unidentified and unmentioned frustration.
Try this and you will be glad you did.
This pandemic and quarantine has forced many into roles and responsibilities outside their experience, expectation, and comfort. Everyone is adjusting to these new realities in different ways. Just as our faces aren’t identical, we don’t need to criticize or reject those who don’t look exactly like us. People’s personalities, their psyche, coping mechanisms aren’t the same either.
Make space for the other people in your home to be themselves and to be able to cope in their own way. Honor and (validate) their feelings and their needs. Know what you need and respect the needs of others. Stop trying to make people act and respond like you! Let them create and enjoy their own lives. This goes for your spouse. Let him or her have their own worlds and separate spaces, but visit each other very, very, very often.
They are not designed to enjoy all that you enjoy all the time. This will cause unidentified and unmentioned frustration.
Try this and you will be glad you did.